Sunday, January 4, 2009

economic war

Are you saying we need to fight the crisis with inflation?
A Unfortunately, you have to create inflation to get rid of the debt. The only way to get housing to go up again is through inflation, by reducing the value of the mortgages. The only way to get the consumer back purchasing things is to get rid of their debts and that can only be done through inflation. I'm not somebody who believes in inflation. I think it's an awful thing, but there's no alternative. Does this mean you are not satisfied with the solutions tabled so far?
A Absolutely, I never underestimate the stupidity of mankind, which is based on greed and fear and what they do when they are afraid or too greedy. When the emotions rule, you can be sure it will lead to some form of stupidity of one form or another. The idea of saving GM [General Motors Corp.] is the dumbest thing in the world. Let it go bankrupt, let it go renegotiate its wages and put them on the comparable level paid by its competitors. What we need is common sense, logic, rationality, putting aside politics and fighting the common enemy. What worries me is the proroguing of Parliament and losing two months to tackle the problems. I've been trying to tell the politicians for Christ's sake, don't do something politically stupid. This is economic war!

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